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VIGOR’ s project engineers went to Changqing Oilfield to visit and study perforating operations

VIGOR’ s project engineers went to Changqing Oilfield to visit and study perforating operations

On May 28, 2019, VIGOR project engineers went to Changqing Oilfield to visit and study perforating operations and other oilfield conditions. The main task of this study is to be familiar with the perforating operation process on the oilfield site, from the assembly of the perforating gun to the final completion of the perforating operation and the technical details.

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-Vigor team on well site-

Arrived at the oilfield site at 10:00 am on the 28th. First, perforating team leader helped VIGOR project engineers familiar with the layout and safety of the well site, and then communicated about the support and time for this study. Operation personnel need to wear labor protection equipment all the time, and smoking is prohibited. After negotiation, we arranged for two days of study time.

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-Perforating gun string ready to go down-

On the first day, we mainly learned about the well site facilities and layout, as well as the precautions for the installation and operation area of the perforating team. In the second half day, we began to visit and learn about the assembly of perforating guns. On the second day, I mainly learned about the assembly of the perforating gun string, the downhole perforation operation, and how to judge the success of the perforation.

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-Perforating gun after perforation-

After 2 days of intensive study, the engineers have clearly understood the whole process of on-site perforating gun assembly and perforating operations, and have a more intuitive and real understanding of the oilfield site, especially the pain points and complaints of operators during on-site operations. It is very helpful for the improvement of our products. In the process of perforating operation, in addition to feeling the vibration of the cable, the current and voltage curve of the perforating panel and the change of the cable tension of the winch panel can be used to judge whether the perforating is successful and whether the hole condition is normal.

Post time: May-28-2019