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Tips For Packers Running, Setting Procedure, and Space-out Considerations

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Tips For Packers Running, Setting Procedure, and Space-out Considerations

2024-07-01 13:48:29
      1.Very deep set capability. Situations requiring production packers to be set very deep (12,000 feet/3,658m +) indicate the need for setting mechanisms that are not dependent on tubing manipulation, namely the hydraulic and electric line set packers. This is due to the increased possibility of tubing manipulation (especially rotation) problems with increased depth. Hydraulic and electric wireline setting systems are free from this potential limitation. The most popular packer selection for deep set applications are the E/L set or hydraulic set permanent packers. The preference of permanent over retrievable is probably due to other conditions usually accompanying deep wells. These conditions (increased temperature and pressure differential requirements) are more easily and most often satisfied by permanent packer design features.

      2.Packer setting procedure without pump or electric line unit-(mechanical set). At times it is necessary to utilize a specific packer setting mechanism because the associated support equipment is not available to accomplish the setting operation by some other means. For example, if a mud pump is not available for hydraulic setting and an electric line unit is not available for wireline setting then a mechanical set packer is the remaining choice.

      3.Setting on the pipe without tubing manipulation-(hydraulic set). If electric line set capability is not available for some reason and hole conditions or pipe handling equipment makes tubing manipulation difficult or impossible, hydraulic setting is the remaining choice. The most popular choices in this situation are standard hydraulic set retrievable packers or permanent packers. However, given other considerations including availability, another possible choice is the use of an electric line set packer (permanent or retrievable) run-on tubing with a hydraulic setting tool. This piece of accessory equipment is removed from the well with the tubing after it is used to set the packer.

      4.Run and set the packer quickly and accurately-(wireline set). It is sometimes desirable or necessary to be able to run and set a packer as quickly and accurately as possible. In these cases, the need is often related to another need – the need to plug the well. The electric line set packers, whether permanent or retrievable, are considered most appropriate. Many accessories area available for use with these packers to accomplish this related need for plugging. The setting depth accuracy is accomplished by correlating depth using an electric line collar locator which is run above the setting tool.

      5.Heavy tailpipe carried on bottom of packer-(solid connections through packer). In order for a packer to be able to carry in long lengths of pipe below it, it is necessary that the packer have a solid mandrel through to the lower tubing thread or if not, the release mechanism must allow for a strong enough bearing mechanism in the run position to carry the weight. Some packers may need accessory equipment or modifications to insure retrievability after set. Others may be limited in the amount of weight that may be run in by the setting pins. This is true of some hydraulic packers. Also, in the case of electric line packers, if the pipe weight exceeds the recommended tensile rating of the line itself, it would be necessary to use the accessory hydraulic setting tool.

      6.The packer hydraulic setting procedure with low set pressure-(large setting piston area). At times it is necessary to be able to hydraulically set a packer using lower pump pressure because of surface or downhole support equipment or completion equipment pressure limitations. Assuming that the majority of element packages set with about the same force and pressure capability is limited, then the only other variable is piston area. Some hydraulic packers are designed with a large piston area. The piston areas will, of course, be dependent on the dimensional and pressure limitations of the design. At times, a double piston can be utilized to lower the necessary pressure needed for the desired setting force.

      7.Multiple set/release on same trip-(mechanical-set retrievable). Many times well conditions and operational goals make it necessary to run a packer that can be set and released multiple times. Several different packer design features are necessary for this capability. However, the possible combinations are complex and need not be detailed at this point. These packers generally referred to as “hook wall packers”, are specifically designed for these needs.

      8.Retrievable bridge plug capability, bi-directional pressure, tubing and packer retrievable. The capability to use a production packer as a retrievable bridge plug is desirable in many different completion situations. Basically, this capability simply means the packer can be left in the hole in a plugged condition (tubing is retrieved separately). To further fit the definition, the packer must have bi-directional pressure holding capability and the packer itself must be retrievable.

      Because production packers are designed to be produced through, the necessary plugging ability is not naturally a part of any production packer and must be added on as accessory equipment. Overshot tubing seal dividers, flapper valves, foot valves, tubing nipples with wireline plugs and retrievable sealing plugs are all examples of such accessory equipment. The most effective matching of packer types and accessory plugging equipment types is dependent on the design of each.

      9.Permanent bridge plug capability, bidirectional pressure, permanent packer. The same basic criteria apply to permanent bridge plug capability as with retrievable but without the packer retrievability requirement. Also, the accessory plugging equipment is essentially the same.

      10.Run and set in deviated/crooked hole, run on tubing, hydraulic set capability. Offshore platform drilling and other difficult drilling conditions today have produced a greater number of wells that are highly deviated or even horizontal. Because of the particular difficulty of downhole tubing manipulation, especially rotation, mechanical set packers are not generally desirable. Those requiring multiple rounds at depth instead of 1/3 turn would be most likely to pose setting problems. Packers requiring rotation for release would be even more likely to result in operational difficulties.

      Electric line set capability can also be a problem under these well conditions because no pipe weight is available to overcome the friction between the packer assembly and the casing in a deviated hole, and the chances of getting the packer to depth are reduced. In a horizontal completion, this would be out of the question.

      Hydraulic set packers or packers run on the hydraulic setting procedures are most likely to be successful since they require no tubing manipulation and can take advantage of pipe weight.

      11.Easy sting-in of seals in the deviated hole-(scoop head). Also associated with deviated holes is the possible problem of stinging seal units into the packer. Packers with special “scoop heads” or tube guides are the best designs for reducing the chance of this problem. Another thing to consider is the packer ID. The larger the ID (and OD of the seals), the greater the chance for sting-in success. A “Muleshoe” guide is generally used on the seal assembly to increase the chances of stinging into the packer. The size of the Muleshoe guide is naturally dependent on the seal OD. The larger the seal OD, the larger the Muleshoe guide. This should result in easier stringing. There are also Muleshoe guides on the market that reciprocate with the up and down motion of the tubing.

      Run and set in heavy drilling mud type, run on the tubing. Sometimes well conditions make it necessary to run and set the packer in heavy mud. Electric line set packers are many times undesirable because running time in the highly viscous mud may be very long or it may become impossible to get the assembly to depth if the mud is in poor condition. The assembly weight itself may not be sufficient.

      As in deviated or crooked wells, packers run on tubing have the advantage of the pipe weight. Also, mechanical set (especially multiple rotation set) packers may pose a problem. Poor mud conditions can result in difficulty getting the necessary movement between the moving parts to get the packer set.

      Even the remaining alternative, the hydraulic setting is not without possible problems. The necessity of dropping the setting ball or running a wireline plug-in heavy mud may become a problem and be time-consuming if the mud is in poor condition. The chance of the mud conditions deteriorating is high because, during the time-consuming running operations, circulation to the bottom is not possible.

      12.Leave tubing in tension, upper slips, or internal latch. Operational conditions requiring that the tubing be spaced-out in tension are numerous. Production conditions such as a high-flowing bottom holes and surface temperatures would be an example. The use of side pocket gas lift mandrels and the associated frequent wireline service work would make it desirable to keep the tubing in tension for optimum serviceability.
      If a packer is to be used and the tubing placed in tension, the packer must have a set of upper slips. If the packer has an integral bypass, it must also have an internal latch of some kind so that the bypass stays closed when the tubing is placed in tension. Permanent or seal bore type retrievable packers may be used for this purpose as long as there is an associated latching type locator run with the seal assembly. The exception to these requirements is if a lower packer with latch and the upper hold-down mechanism is used to set the element package of an upper packer with no upper slips. These are most often used in zone isolation applications.

      13.Leave tubing in compression, lower slips, or lower stop. The need to leave the tubing spaced out in compression is usually related to possible subsequent treatment operations. The compression is often left to overcome the tubing shrinkage usually associated with treating. A set of lower slips is necessary to allow for this space-out option. The only exception is if a lower packer is used as a stop for an upper packer without lower slips. These exceptions are most often found in zone isolation applications.

      14.Leave tubing in neutral (Neutral point in drilling), lock compression in element package. The need to leave the tubing in neutral can be generated by a large variety of operational conditions or goals. In general, a tubing in neutral space-out affords some accommodation for tubing elongation during production as well as tubing contraction due to treatment operations. If neither operation results in extreme movement, then this neutral space-out condition may be optimum. For a packer to be capable of being run and set and then the tubing left in neutral, the packer should have bi-directional pressure capability and must be of such a design that the element compression is maintained by some means other than the tubing compression or tension. This is “automatic” for permanent and seal bore type retrievable packers but for retrievable packers, it means an internal latch mechanism is necessary.

      Vigor's line of packer products adheres strictly to API 11 D1 standards. We currently offer a diverse range of six packer types, all of which have received consistently high praise from our customers. In response to growing demand, our technical and procurement teams are actively exploring optimal solutions to meet customized requirements.
      Whether you're interested in our packer products, drilling and completion logging equipment, or OEM customization services, we are committed to providing the highest level of professional technical support. Please feel free to reach out to us for more information.
