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How to Choose the Packer

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How to Choose the Packer


Well conditions.

  • Well pressure must be considered since a packers selection must be done with the proper pressure capabilities for the well. It is necessary to know if pressure differentials will be from the top or the bottom of the packer and if the differential will change from one side to the other during the life of the well. Some completion packers will only withstand very limited pressure from one side.
  • The pressure change is also a factor in tubing movement (elongation or contraction). Temperature is a consideration since some packers will perform at higher temperatures than others. Retrievable packers should normally be limited to temperatures of 300oF maximum. Sealing compounds used on seal units for permanent packers or packer bore receptacles will be selected for best performance at a given temperature range.
  • Corrosive agents in the well fluids must be considered. Usually, retrievable packers do not perform well in wells with high H2S concentration. Many times, the alloys used in the manufacture of a packer must be selected to withstand the corrosive agents they will encounter.
  • Longevity of a producing interval is a prime consideration in the selection of packers. If a zone is anticipated to produce for many years with no need of remedial work, it may be desirable to use a permanent type packer or hydraulic set retrievable packer. However, if it is anticipated that remedial work to the well will be necessary within a short period of time, it may be more desirable to use a mechanical set packer.
  • If the well is to be treated with acid or frac materials or pumped into at high rates and pressures for any reason, the proper packer must be selected Packer failures most often occur during treating operations. Tubing contractions may be very severe during treatment. Contraction can cause retrievable packers to release, or it can cause the seal elements to move out of the seal bore in a permanent packer or packer bore receptacle.

Compatibility with other downhole equipment.

  • Often packers are selected because of their compatibility with other equipment. For example, where hanger systems are used with surface-controlled subsurface safety systems, it is desirable to use hydraulic set packers. Hydraulic set packers allow the operator to install and set the complete safety system and the tree before setting the packers. Well fluids may then be displaced with lighter fluids while the well is under complete control. The packers can be set after the displacement of fluids is completed.
  • If wireline equipment is to be serviced in the tubing or through tubing perforating is to be accomplished, it is desirable to use packers that do not require tubing weight to keep them set. Wireline operations can be more successfully completed if the tubing is kept straight by landing it in neutral or tension. This is increasingly important in deeper wells.
  • In many instances, packers selection are done for use with gas lift valves to keep lift pressure off of the producing formation and to prevent gas from blowing around the end of the tubing.
  • If a packer is to be used with a rod pumping unit, it is usually desirable that the tubing be placed in tension. A packer selection must be done to allow this.

Customer preference.

It must be recognized that oftentimes, several different types of packers may be successfully used in the same installation. Many times, a packer may be selected by the operator because he has experienced good success using it in the past.


Economics may become a factor in packers selection. In some instances, the operator must complete a well as cost-effective as possible and will select a packer because of its lower cost.

Setting accuracy.

If a packer is set by an electric conductor line, it is possible to place the packer in the casing very accurately. Sometimes, producing intervals are very close together, making it necessary to place the packer accurately.

As a professional packer manufacturer, Vigor's professional team of technical engineers is familiar with the commonly used packer products on the market. The products we provide you with are subject to strict quality control in accordance with API 11 D1 standards to ensure that the quality of the products can meet the complex site environment. At present, various types of packer products from Vigor have been used in major oil fields around the world, and customers have given very good feedback on the field, but the Vigor team still continues to work hard, and we are constantly optimizing the packer design and production process to ensure that everything is under control. If you are interested in Vigor's packer series products, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us to get the most professional products and the best quality service.

For more information, you can write to our mailbox info@vigorpetroleum.com & marketing@vigordrilling.com

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