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How Does Free-Point Indicator Tools Work?

How Does Free-Point Indicator Tools Work?

Electric wireline service companies use free-point indicator tools to accurately determine the stuck point of a drill pipe or tubing. These free-point indicator tools are highly sensitive electronic devices that measure both stretch and torque movement in a drill string. The information obtained is transmitted through an electric conductor cable to a surface panel in the control unit, where the operator interprets the data.
The basic structure of an free-point indicator tool consists of a mandrel that houses a strain gauge or microcell. Friction springs, friction blocks, or magnets are positioned at the top and bottom of the instrument to hold it rigidly in the pipe.
When an upward pull or torque is applied at the surface, the pipe above the stuck point undergoes stretching or twisting. This change in movement is detected by the strain gauge or microcell within the free-point indicator tool. The resulting change in current passing through the instrument is then measured and transmitted to the surface for interpretation.
In the case of a stuck pipe, where there is no movement, the tension or torque is not transmitted to the free-point indicator tool. Consequently, the gauge at the surface does not show any change in its reading.
free-point indicator tools are often used in combination with collar locators, string shots, chemical cutters, and jet cutters. This combination run helps save valuable rig time and ensures a continuous sequence of measurements, minimizing the risk of misruns during cutting or backing-off operations.
It is good practice to have the fishing tool supervisor or operator present at the drilling rig or location during free-point and subsequent fishing operations. Their presence allows for immediate action and potential suggestions to improve the fishing situation based on observations of the free-point and parting operations.
By utilizing free-point indicator tools, electric wireline service companies can accurately identify the location of a stuck pipe and plan and execute appropriate fishing operations. These tools play a crucial role in optimizing the efficiency of well intervention operations, reducing downtime, and ensuring the smooth operation of drilling activities.
Vigor Free-Point Indicator Tools accurately determines the stuck point in pipe, tubing or a casing string. The real-time data allows the operator to make rapid and informed decisions in determining the next steps to recover the stuck downhole assembly. If you are interested in the Vigor Free-Point Indicator Tool or other drilling or completion tools for oil and gas, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Post time: May-28-2024