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How does a dissolvable frac plug work?

How does a dissolvable frac plug work?

The dissolvable frac plug functions exactly like a conventional frac plug. Dissolvable frac plugs work with materials designed to break down or dissolve in the wellbore environment.

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Here are step-by-step instructions on how they work:

● Placement: Dissolvable frac plugs are installed at specific intervals in the wellbore to be hydraulically fractured. They typically run on a tubing string or coiled tubing and are located in the wellbore using wireline or other deployment methods.

● Fracturing: Once the dissolvable frac plug is in place, the hydraulic fracturing operation begins. High-pressure fluid, usually a mixture of water, proppant (such as sand or ceramics), and chemical additives, is injected into the wellbore. This high-pressure fluid creates fractures in underground rock formations, allowing oil or gas to be extracted.

● Dissolution: Over time, dissolvable frac plugs come into contact with fluids in the wellbore. The materials used to construct these plugs are specifically selected to gradually degrade or dissolve when exposed to downhole conditions including temperature, pressure and the chemistry of the fluids present.

● Completions: As dissolvable frac plugs dissolve, they lose structural integrity and break into smaller fragments. These small fragments are usually carried away by the fluid flow with the aid of continuous pumping and recirculation operations. This process clears any obstructions in the wellbore caused by dissolvable frac plugs.

● Production: Once the soluble frac plug has fully broken down and cleared the wellbore, oil and gas can flow freely from the target rock formation. Production equipment, such as piping and wellhead assemblies, are used to collect extracted hydrocarbons and transport them to the surface for processing and distribution.

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Overall, dissolvable frac plugs offer an efficient and cost-effective solution compared to conventional frac plugs as they eliminate the need to retrieve or mill traditional plugs after hydraulic fracturing operations and simplify well Eye cleaning process.

Dissolvable Frac Plugs from Vigor is called The Mirage™. It is constructed of 100% dissolvable material and also has a breakthrough design with a patent to meet specific downhole requirements. The Mirage™ Dissolvable Frac Plug assures both exceptional isolation performance and reliable dissolution in both traditional brine and even freshwater environments, for both high and low-temperature well.

Post time: Jul-13-2023