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How Different Perforating Guns are Used in the Field?

How Different Perforating Guns are Used in the Field?

When drilling in conventional wells, heavy-walled product casings are put in and cemented into place. This heavy seal is done to be sure no liquids in the reservoir can reach the wellbore. Then, when it is time to start production, holes must be made through the casing and the cement.

These holes are vast and deep, making them challenging to create with a drill bit alone. So instead, perforating guns expand these holes using shaped explosives.

Three types of perforating guns and how they are used include:

Retrievable hollow gun: A steel tube is used to secure the charge. A small number of debris can be left behind.

Expendable gun: This type of perforating gun uses individual cases. These cases are sealed and contain a charge. Expendable guns leave minimal debris in the well.

Semi-expendable gun: These charges are retrieved with wire carriers. Metal bars can also be used. This type removes most of the debris created from the explosives. They are also more durable and reusable.

Perforating guns come in a wide range of sizes and are used for a variety of applications. Oil and gas companies work to keep their overhead low by protecting expensive assets and equipment. Protecting the thread components on perforating guns extends their lifespan.

MSI Pipe Protection Technologies helps protect completions equipment with custom thread protectors that help ensure that reusable perforating guns are appropriately maintained. The custom thread protectors also keep components dry, ensuring an intact charge.

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Post time: Nov-28-2023