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Classification of Completion Packers: Retrievable & Permanent


Classification of Completion Packers: Retrievable & Permanent

2024-05-09 15:24:14

Retrievable packers are an integral part of the tubing, ensuring that the tubing cannot be pulled without also pulling the packer, except for cases involving a retrievable bridge plug. These packers can be set mechanically, hydraulically, or through a combination of both methods. They are typically utilized in scenarios where the well requires regular workovers, such as in electrical submersible pump applications, temporary completions like production testing, or various well intervention activities such as stimulation or casing leak detection.
Considerations When Running Retrievable Packers:
1.Swabbing the Well: Pulling the packer out of the well may lead to swabbing, which should be carefully managed.
2.Pressure Equalization: Achieving pressure equalization across the packer before pulling it out can be challenging, especially in shallow set conditions during unseating operations.
3.Premature Shearing: Straight-pull release packers may prematurely shear and release due to tubing contraction.
4.Deposits: Deposits above the packer may make it non-retrievable, necessitating caution during operations.

Permanent packers are set within the casing, and their setting mechanism (either tubing or wireline) can be released from the packer. With the exception of a permanent bridge plug, the tubing can be run and resealed in the packer. These packers may be set mechanically (using tubing), hydraulically, or electrically (via wireline). As the name suggests, they cannot be retrieved but can be destructively removed, typically through milling. Permanent packers are commonly employed in high-pressure differential applications.
Permanent/Retrievable Packers: This class of packer combines the advantages of permanent packers, such as a large bore and the ability to withstand higher pressure differentials, with the added flexibility of being released and recovered intact from the well when necessary.
Selection Criteria for Permanent Packers: A permanent packer is typically chosen if:
1.The predicted maximum differential pressure across the packer exceeds 5000 psi.
2.The temperature at the setting depth exceeds 225°F.
3.H2S is present, and the temperature at the packer is below 160°F.
4.Infrequent workovers are anticipated.

The choice of packer needs to be based on the actual situation of your site, Vigor is deeply involved in the oil and gas industry and has deep field experience in this area, if you are interested in our packers or other drilling and completion tools, please do not hesitate to contact us for professional technical support.
