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How are Perforating Gun Used in the Field?

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How are Perforating Gun Used in the Field?


A perforating gun is a device that is used to pierce or drill perforations in oil and gas wells for the purpose of production. Perforating guns are comprised of multiple-shaped explosive charges and are designed in a range of configurations and sizes. A critical aspect of the gun is the diameter. The size is generally determined by the occurrence of wellbore restrictions or even limitations that are levied by the surface equipment.

These guns find application and usage across various industries but the most common application are the oil and gas well industries. Many types of perforating guns are available and usage is dependent on the application. In the drilling industry, they are required to make openings in casings. They contain multiple explosive-shaped charges that create the kind of openings that are needed in opening different sizes and types of casings. In the drilling industry, perforating guns are part of the regular tools that are used to connect pipelines.

How are they used in the field?

When it comes to drilling in traditional oil wells, a number of thick-walled product casings are put in and cemented into place. This solid sealing is needed so that no liquid lying in the reservoir can reach the wellbore. When the time is right to commence production, holes have to be made through the casing and the cement. They need to be deep and vast and hence the usage of a regular drill bit alone will not suffice. This makes it imperative to deploy perforating guns. They enlarge these holes by deploying shaped explosives.

The types of perforating guns

There are primarily three types of perforating guns and their usage is based on where they are needed:

The retrievable hollow gun

  • In this gun, a steel tube secures the charge and this gun usually leaves a little debris behind.

Expendable gun

  • This variety of perforating guns makes use of individual cases. The cases are sealed and they hold a charge. These guns leave behind a negligible amount of debris in the well.

Semi-expendable gun

  • Charges in these guns are retrieved by using wire carriers. At times, metal bars might be used. These guns extract the maximum quantum of debris that has been left behind from the explosives. An advantage of such guns is their durability and reusability.

Perforating guns are available in a range of sizes and their application is varied. Petroleum businesses have to maintain low overheads in the field and safeguard valuable assets. The lifespan and efficiency of the guns are a function of protecting the thread components on the guns. Many businesses use custom thread protectors to help components stay dry and thus ensure an intact charge.

As a leading supplier of perforating and completion equipment, Vigor excels in providing cutting-edge solutions tailored to the oil and gas industry. Our technical engineers possess a deep and specialized understanding of perforating gun design and application. Vigor's engineering team continually enhances our perforating guns to ensure they optimize site construction for our customers.

If you are considering Vigor's perforating gun series products, we encourage you to connect with us. Our team is dedicated to offering the highest standards of technical support, delivering superior quality products, and providing exemplary service. Contact us today to discover how Vigor can meet your perforation needs with precision and expertise.

For more information, you can write to our mailbox info@vigorpetroleum.com & marketing@vigordrilling.com

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